Habitat Board Member Highlight: Jake Bloom

In this Habitat Board Member Highlight, allow us to introduce our Secretary, Jake Bloom! Jake has served on the Richmond Habitat Board for two years and also serves on our Finance Committee, Construction & Real Estate Committee, and Strategic Planning Committee. He brings expertise from his role as Managing Director at Spy Rock Real Estate Group. Learn more about his involvement below.

Why did you choose to join the Habitat Board?

I worked for Habitat for Humanity after graduating from college, and to have an opportunity to stay involved and leverage the industry experience I have gained since starting my career was something I felt strongly about.

What’s unique about being part of Habitat? 

There are so many ways to get involved that no matter what your skill set, or expertise is in, there is a way to give back.

Which Habitat value resonates most with you the most and why?  

Partnership. The number of stakeholders that are involved in a project requires everybody to work together for a common goal. There is so much behind the curtain that goes into providing safe and affordable housing to a family, and that wouldn’t be possible without partnerships.