Gerald Clemons graciously donated his home to Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity more than 12 years ago. Little did he know, that act would spark generosity for years to come.
Hassan and his family purchased that home in the spring of 2012 after completing Richmond Habitat’s Homeownership Program. Volunteers from Bank of America, who sponsored the home, worked alongside Habitat’s construction team to make the necessary repairs and renovations to get the home ready for the family.
The home dedication ceremony on April 25, 2012 brought Gerald and Hassan together for a celebration alongside their families, Habitat staff and board, as well as volunteers and donors. The family shared many happy memories in their Habitat home over the next 12 years.
In August 2024, the family made the decision to sell their house to move into a larger home. Hassan said he was grateful for the money he was able to save up to purchase his new home. After closing, he donated a portion of the sale of his Habitat home back to Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity as a way of paying forward the generosity that was afforded to them.
“Everything Habitat did was wonderful and we were very happy with the house,” said the former Habitat homeowner. “We didn’t have a house when we came to this country and I was so grateful for Habitat. I never forgot you all and [what you] did for us.”
See photos from the rehabilitation and the Home Dedication ceremony in 2012 below.