Now Recruiting for AmeriCorps Positions!

AmeriCorps engages thousands of Americans of all ages and backgrounds for a year of service. The program founded in 1994, has engaged more than 800,000 AmeriCorps members who have contributed more than 1 billion hours in service across America.


AmeriCorps VISTA: VISTA (Volunteer in Service to America) provide indirect service for organizations by creating and implementing programs that focus on poverty.
AmeriCorps State and National: provide direct service to the organization to effectively utilize volunteers to meet critical community needs.
AmeriCorps NCCC/FEMA Corps: this program brings together young adults, ages 18-24 to work as a team during four, six-eight week periods of time with a different non-profit organizations.

Benefits of AmeriCorps:

  • Skills for the future
  • Living allowance of $15,890 for a full 46½ weeks for National/Direct AmeriCorps members or $13,200 annually for VISTA.
  • Health insurance and workers compensation insurance (or equivalent)
  • Education award of $6,195.
  • Forbearance of qualified student loans and payment of interest that accrues during the term of service.

Positions at Richmond Habitat: All Positions are open for recruitment with start dates in August 2021!

  • Construction Crew Leader (6 positions open)– 10.5 month commitment: Learn how to build a Habitat house. This position is on the build sites Tuesday-Saturday helping with volunteers and all construction tasks over the course of the builds. Learn more HERE! 
  • Construction Systems VISTA (1 position open)– 1 year commitment: help the construction team with project planning and management. This position works with our Construction Project Manager. Learn More HERE!
  • Volunteer Services VISTA (1 position open)– 1 year commitment: Interested in a career in Volunteer Management or Nonprofits? This position recruits and manages volunteer operations for both our Chesterfield and Richmond ReStore locations. Learn more HERE!
  • Marketing and Communication VISTA (1 position open)– 1 year commitment: This position will help Richmond Habitat increase its capacity to maintain a robust content calendar by researching and developing blog content, social media posts, printed materials, email content, and more. Learn more HERE!
  • Resource Development VISTA (1 position open)– 1 year commitment: help to grow Richmond Habitat’s pool of stakeholders and development processes. Learn more HERE!

How do I apply?

We are currently recruiting members in the above available positions. We will conduct a first round phone interview with appropriate applicants, followed by in-person or skype interviews. Final acceptance into the program is subject to a background check and a potential phone interview with Habitat International.

To apply for any of the above positions, applicants should complete the online application on the AmeriCorps website, as well as send a resume and cover letter to Whitney Guthrie at Please also contact Whitney for any questions regarding AmeriCorps.